I managed to make it to game night this to get a look at a game of DBA which is De Bellis Antiquitatis. Or in real terms a rule set that lets you play lots of different historical armies from across history. I have to say that I was a bit disappointed because Al didn’t have his camels ready for the game and how often are you going to here that. There is quite a bit of buzz around DBA with our group at the moment as it allows for some really unusual and obscure forces from history that weren’t around at the same time to battle each other. It’s not one that has captured my imagination at the moment but it’s good to see different games being played.
On the hobby front this week can best be summed up as slow but steady progress on the Warhounds. It’s surprising just how much detail there is on these ‘little’ models and when you are adding highlights and shading to each colour it just takes a lot of time. I’ve made the conscious decision that I want to paint these to what I consider to be a good table top standard as opposed to trying paint display pieces but everything still takes a lot of time. Both models are not fully built and the base colours are complete for both. I’ve been spending time trying to get the gold trim completed but because it’s a boring job I’ve been mixing in work on highlighting the red for the weapons which again takes time. Overall though the progress has been steady if not speedy although I’m happy with the results.
As nice as the model are they need a base so I’ve been working on a couple this week and I’ve had the idea of trying to make them resemble some sort of epic scale battle field. As I mentioned last week I got some buildings form e-bay but the foot print was a little large for the base so I’ve ended up cutting them up a little and then embedding them in the cork I had stuck on top of the standard base. I’ll do a more detailed update in a future update but I’m happy with how they came out. By roughing up the cork with a knife I think the texture fits the scale and looks like some ruined city whilst at the same time giving a surface that you can actually stand a model on without needing to do some really complicated pinning job.
Whilst there is nothing complicated about the bases I think that once the models are mounted, and at the moment they are only balanced there, they look quite good and give a bit of scale to the scene. I’d like to say I’d planned it but that isn’t actually the case but I do think the predominantly grey colour offsets the colour of the model.
As well as working on the models I’ve also started to do some work on some buildings for Tianicus. Al got a couple of boxes of them and I said I’d help build and prime them, but I’ve been a bit lax in getting them done. Well actually I’ve been really lax but I’ve made a start now so hopefully I can redeem myself somewhat in the next week or two.
That’s it for this week and it’s looking like being a manic week at work coming up so I’m not sure what I will get done for next week. However, I’ve some time off the following week so that should get me back on track with the Titans and the building so fingers crossed on that front. Until then I hope you all enjoy whatever you have planned and I’ll hopefully catch up with you all again next week.