Guild Ball – Mist Painting Guide

This is a new model for Mist that I picked up through the Locker Room as it had only previously been available as a prize at some Steam Forge events. For me the sculpt is really evocative and much more menacing than the previous version. With that in mind I wanted to move away from the mainly purple that I used on the original version and go with something a bit more natural. But I still wanted to keep some purple in there as that is the Union’s colour, or at least it is for me.

Mist Mist Mist Mist

I started off using the airbrush with Vallejo Black Surface Primer (74.602). Then once this was dry I went back over the model with Vallejo Grey Surface Primer (74.601) but I sprayed down at about a forty five degree angle. This helps to show where the light will catch the model and sets up the highlights and shading.

Primed Mist Primed Mist

Next up was to start on the colour and unlike some of the other guides where I have broken things down into individual items I’ve structured this guide as I actually painted the model because I took pictures after each step. So for the colours I used a thinned down Vallejo US Dark Green (71.016) for the cloak followed by a thinned down Vallejo Leather Brown (72.740) for the rest of the clothing with two small exceptions. Because I wanted to add some purple to the model I used Vallejo Hexed Lichen (72.715) for one section of the cloak, that almost looks like a scarf and I also used this on the scarf that is covering the lower part of his face.

Base Coloured Mist Base Coloured Mist

With the base colours down the next step was to make a start on the first phase of the highlights. For the green areas of the cloak I used a thinned down Vallejo Interior Green (71.010) and for the brown areas of the clothing I used Vallejo Desert Yellow (72.763). The two purple areas received a first highlight using a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Hexed Lichen (72.715) and Alien Purple (72.776). At this point I also made a start on the flesh areas using Foundry Dusky Flesh (6B).

Mist with fist highlight Mist with fist highlight

The next step was to start to give a bit of depth to the colour and for this I used a series of washes which I find is a really effective and easy way to make quick progress from the simple base colours I had used. For the cloak I used a mix of one part Vallejo Dark Green (76.512) to three parts Vallejo Dark Khaki Green (76.520). For the clothing areas I used Citadel Reikland Fleshshade and for the leather areas such as the boots and belt I used Vallejo Dark Brown (76.514). I think the most noticeable change comes in clothing where the two different washes produce very different results.

Mist with fiirst Wash Mist with fiirst Wash

With the washes on and the colours really established it was time to go back and work on the highlights. The first of these was to lighten up the flesh area with Foundry Dusky Flesh Light (6C). For the clothing I used a thinned Vallejo Desert Yellow (72.763) what works for all of the brown areas concentrating the raised areas that would catch the light. For the green areas of the cloak I used a mix of two parts Vallejo Escopena Green (72.732) and one part Interior Green (71.010) once again concentrating on the edges and other areas that would really catch the light.

Mist with final highlight Mist with final highlight

The last stage was to look at the details and for this I started by finishing off the flesh with Vallejo Flesh Base (70.341) to pick out the final highlights. Next up were the metal fittings on the belt and the leather work. For this I used a single coat of Scale Color Black Metal (SC-63), you could add an extra highlight on top of this if you wanted but wanted to keep the metal looking a little subdued. That just left the staff and for this I used Vallejo Flat Earth (70.983) as a base which was then give a wash with a very thinned down Vallejo Wood Grain (70.828). This was then highlighted with a mix of the Flat Earth and Vallejo Dark Sand (70.847). The final step was a drop of Citadel Skull White for the eyes.

Final bits on Mist Final bits on Mist

With the character finished it was time to add it to the base. In keeping with my other Guild Ball models I  made a custom green stuff insert and started off by priming them with Vallejo Black Surface Primer (74.602). The first colour on the base was an even coat of Vallejo Charred Brown (72.045). This was then followed by a good dry-brush of Vallejo Leather Brown (72.040), before a final dry-brush with Vallejo Desert Yellow (72.763). With the colours on the whole base was given a wash of Vallejo Brown Wash (76.513) and once this was dry a wash of Vallejo Desert Dust Wash (76.522). The final painting step was to then go round the edges of the cracks with the Desert Yellow. Once painted I added some Gamers Grass ‘6mm Mixed Green small’ grass tufts.

Mist Mist

Full Paint & Weathering Product List:

Black Surface Primer(74.602)Vallejo
Grey Surface Primer(74.601)Vallejo
Hexed Lichen(72.715)Vallejo
US Dark Green(71.016)Vallejo
Leather Brown(72.740)Vallejo
Desert Yellow(72.763)Vallejo
Interior Green(71.010)Vallejo
Dusky Flesh6BFoundry
Alien Purple(72.776)Vallejo
Dusky Flesh Light6CFoundry
Wood Grain(70.828)Vallejo
Escopena Green(72.673)Vallejo
Black MetalSC-63Scale Color
Flesh Base(70.983)Vallejo
Flat Earth(70.983)Vallejo
Dark Sand(70.847)Vallejo
Charred Brown(72.045)Vallejo
Skull WhiteCitadel


Dark Brown(76.514)Vallejo
Dark Green(76.512)Vallejo
Dark Khaki Green(76.520)Vallejo
Reikland Fleshshade WashCitadel
Desert Dust(76.522)Vallejo

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