Weekly Waffle #21

Weekly Waffle

I had my first game of Zombiside on Tuesday and have to say that I really enjoyed it, even if my so called mates left me to be eaten alive after rushing to their aid. For such a simple concept the game play is fantastic and it really draws you in. If you’ve not played it and you get the chance I would highly recommend it. It’s easy to pick up, engaging and most of all fun. I had a really good night playing it and will certainly be playing again.

On the hobby front I’ve been concentrating on trying to get my Alchemist’s finished off and I have to say that I’m quite happy with the result. They haven’t been based yet, but more on that late, but other than a couple of little details they are finished. I think the overall colour works well for them whilst still keeping the individual feel for each model. Surprisingly one of the things I found the most difficult was painting the hair, in particular ‘Vitriol’s’ red hair. I spent quite a bit of time searching the net looking for ideas before I settled on a solution I thought worked. I hope you like them as much as I do and for anyone how is interesting in how I painted them I will be doing a painting guide for them once they are based.

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Now back to the bases. My plan is to base all of different guilds I have on the same style of base. The thinking behind this is that they are all playing on the same pitch. So I’m going to make my bases in a ‘job lot’ so that I have enough for all the models I have. Then simply pick a base out at random for each model. I nearly always tend to make my bases separately anyway so doing things this way isn’t really a big deal to me.

The ‘barge boards’ I had ordered from 4Ground, to use as goals arrived this week and I think that they could work quite well. I’ve got a stack of model boat parts on order that I plan to sue to add some ‘rigging’ to them but I think that part is going to be a bit of trial and error. I have a general idea of what I want to do but I’ll just have to see how it goes together.

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My mate Al, the man who introduced me to Zombiside, has had a problem with his airbrush so he asked me to seal some models for him. So this gives me a chance to show you really nice minis that he has painted. These are from the Pulp City Kickstarter and being the gaming magpie that I am this is definitely on the list of games I want to have a go at. The miniatures are really nice and the test games I have watched also seem really good. One thing that really perked my interest was that as part of the Kickstarter you could sign up to a miniature exchange scheme. I don’t know all the details but in essence those that signed up painted a mini for another Kickstarter backer, picked at random, and someone would paint one for you. The American football player is the mini that Al has painted for a guy in Texas and it will be winging its way across the Atlantic to him by the time you read this. From what Al has told me it’s been painted in the colours of a real football player at the request of the guy in Texas, but I don’t know any more than that. Anyway I like the idea behind the swap, I like the minis and it’s a chance for me to show off some of Al’s minis. And if you want to see more of his minis why not follow him on Twitter: @aldacellaboy.

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