Weekly Waffle #331 – Untouchable

Weekly Waffle #331 – Untouchable

4th May 2024

In this week’s weekly waffle I’ve still not been able to shake the malaise that has been hanging over me. But I do think I have a better idea about what is causing it. As I mentioned in last weeks update I think the issue is that I don’t know what I’m going to paint next. And because I don’t know what I’m going to do next I’m not excited about that project. And that lack of excitement for the next project leaves me a little bit flat about getting the current project over the line. Which all seems very fluffy and away with the fairy’s but I think it does sum up my hobby mood at the moment. It’s just meant that this week’s painting has been more of a chore rather than a pleasure. But I’ve plodded on and have another finished mini to add to my collection.

That mini is another addition to my Inquisitor war band. But more than that if you are a fan of Dan Abnetts Inquisitor series this is the named character of the final trilogy. This is my interpretation of Bequin. In product terms it is another mini from the folks at Artel Miniatures and goes under the name of Dis Staff. Which is a reference to the physics the Inquisitor keeps on as part of his staff.

I was a bit unsure whether I should have given her the staff or just a pistol but the staff looked cool so I went with. Now it may not fit the character of Bequin but there aren’t any game rules for her so I guess anything goes. If in doubt go with the rule of cool. That is going to be the way I try to approach everything this year.

Colour wise I’ve just kept it simple and gone with a purple and golden yellow as the key. I think these are fitting colours for someone who plays such an important role in the Inquisitors war band. Also someone who runs a whole department of exceptionally rare talents in service to one mane. That to me seems like they deserve to have a very regal appearance. Although her character in the books is exceptional loyal to Eisenhorn and will adopt whatever guise is necessary to accomplish the mission at hand.

The boots are a simple leather and staff is just a basic metallic so it’s all really simple, but I think it just works well for this character. There was probably more I could have done but this mini has been sitting in my pile of shame for way too long and I just need to get here finished.

The pose is a little on the psycher style with the had up to her head. But knowing the story behind her, she could also be reaching up to turn off her dampening collar, which hides the fact that she is psychic null. Granted that is a bit of stretch for this pose but I think it works from a narrative point of view. Not that I expect anyone to even question it.

There isn’t a lot more to say about her because the pose is simple and straightforward. She is just purposefully walking across the deck. So the base is just a standard Necromunda base although it is a little bit larger than it needs to be. But she is just such a special character that I think she needs the slightly larger base.

But what do you think?

You can also see more of my Necromunda minis here.

I’ve been really busy at work this week and that has eaten up a lot of my time and sapped a lot of my mojo. It’s doing evaluation work which is absolutely necessary but is really boring. So in my down time whilst I’ve not been that enthused to paint I have been doing some preparation for future posts. It’s something I’ve been doing for years but where I used to simply have a note book with doodles in it I’ve now gone electronic.

As I’ve previously said I use Ulysses to draft all my posts and I’ve just learned to make better use of it. Essentially what I’ve done set up new folders where I can put project and post ideas. Those bits that I would like to either remember or share with you guys. Now instead of reaching for a pen and paper I reach for my phone.

It just makes saving bits of a post that bit easier. As I think of something I can jot it down in one place. But crucially because it’s been typed up it is really easy to copy it over into a post or it can form the basis of a new post. The amount of time I can save can be really significant. It doesn’t always mean I do a good job of it but I do have lots of notes now for future projects.

The real challenge though is not getting carried away. I have a note to make a Big Meks truck for my Orks. Now this just started off as a truck the would look like a Dakka Rally truck. On the face of it this seems really straight forward and achievable. But because I have actually started it I keep going back to my notes. So now the idea has a fully kitted out workshop in the back of the truck. With lots of Grot riggers all over the place. So a lot more work but potentially still achievable.

Then I had a couple of beers and came up with some more ideas. Because a speed freak mob isn’t going to stop just because something goes wrong. So the truck now needs a trailer so that broken vehicles can be loaded on and mended on the move. That means it will need a crane of some type to get broken vehicles on the trailer. Spare parts for said vehicles and space for the grots to work.

Now I think this would be a fantastic model and I even think it could built. I’m not sure I could paint it but it’s all a bit academic. That is because it’s such a big project I don’t think I could dedicate the time to it. But it’s just an example of how a good thing can also put blockers on a potential project.

Anyway that is enough of me waffling on for this week. I’m hoping my mojo will be back in force for next week with a couple of projects in the works. So until next week I hope you enjoy whatever you have planned for the week and hope to see you all back here next Saturday.

Red Rose Wargaming

Trapped Under Plastic

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