Weekly Waffle #316

Weekly Waffle #316

6th January 2024

Now it’s been a long time since my last post, so long in fact I’m not even sure anyone will still be reading the blog. I know it’s the start of yet another new year but I’m not going to promise regular updates. I have been dabbling away since my last update so I do have some things to share with you. What I am going to do this year is to try and give you regular updates but mainly I’m going to make an effort to do updates as and when I have them. I have got the Ork bug again, mainly thanks to the folks at Puppets War, so I have a few projects lined up there. I also have a few ideas for a new Necromunda gang. So there is certainly going to be some new content from me and Red Rose Wargaming over on YouTube are look to get content up and running again so you may see some of my content there. The other bit of content news is that it is Adepticon year again. Registration opens tomorrow so that is going to be a late night for anyone booking from this side of the pond.

So that is the plan as it stands at the start of the year, but I’ve no idea just how it pan out. I’m reasonably confident that I will keep things ticking along until March when I head off to Adepticon. And I’m usually full of beans when I get back, but historically that’s when things go a bit pear shaped. That also coincides with a really busy period at work so there may be some down time around there. So just a heads up.

The hosting for the site has now been moved and I’ve made quite a few changes in the background to make things easier for me going forward. Most won’t be really be that visible but one that will start to be apparent over the next few weeks is the Gallery plugin I’m using. The old one has gone out of support so I’ve had to make the switch. But it does mean that I have to redo all of the galleries manually so it’s going to take a little bit of time. But a few have been updated and whilst there isn’t a massive change, I do like them and there are some options to add additional bells and whistles later.

My last few updates had been focused on painting my House or Iron miniatures for Necromunda. On the back of really enjoying painting the Orlock’s I felt I was on a roll and decided to have a go at painting up a few officers of the law. In this case it was the basic box of Palatine Enforcers, but I have to say right off the bat that I’m not quite as happy with these guys. There is nothing wrong with the painting but I’m not really sold on the colours I picked for them. I wanted to do something a bit different so went for blue and red, which I think works as a colour scheme. It’s just for some reason I don’t think it works as well here as it could have done. But having said that I was trying to be a bit disciplined here and rather than changing course part way through I stuck to my guns and stayed with the colour scheme. All that would have happened if I had changed my mind is that they would have ended up on my ‘to be completed’ pile and would still be there now. As it is I now have another crew who are painted up and tabletop ready, even if I don’t love them. But on the positive side I now know this isn’t a colour scheme that works for me so if I do any ore Enforcers they may have to come from another precinct, who have a different coloured uniform.

On the back of my disappointment with the Enforcers I was still firmly in Necromunda mode and already had the Luther Pattern Ambot Automata’s lined up as my next project. I wanted to paint these up in something of a neutral way and by that, I mean I didn’t want to tie them to a particular faction. Instead, they were something that could be used by any of my forces or even used as objectives or something like that in a game. I had a bit of a look around online looking for some inspiration and came across a simple looking scheme of one red and one yellow one with contrasting highlights which I thought looked good.

I do really like these minis and have a few ideas for looting some for use as 40k Orks in Mega Armour. The only thing is that they will be quite expensive to do a full squad, but e-Bay may possibly come to the rescue. Time will tell.

It was round about here where I just got caught with other things and the hobby time just fell off a cliff. Nothing in particular but the longer it went on the less I was wanting to get back into it. I didn’t have anything to paint for and there weren’t any models out there that were calling to me, so things just petered out. Then I started to look at the Orc Time Jumper Racecar from Puppets War and I started to get the painting itch back. I’ve always liked the stuff Puppets War produce and have a few bits and pieces already. So when they came along with a Back to the Future Delorean I really had to give it ago. And after a bit of a look through the rule book it fits all the rules for a Shokkjump Dragsta so I fully game legal. Although it may not go down to well if you rock up to Lenton with one it may not go down to well.

But there I did have a dilemma with it. I have a speed freak army so to get the most out of it everything needs to be red. Because we all know red goes faster. But this is a Delorean and anyone who knows anything about the Delorean knows that it really should be Aluminium. So after much procrastination I decided that I should overcome my fear of trying to paint a fully metallic miniature and went for it. I used the airbrush for a lot of the early work and then used glazes to try and get some depth to the metallic look. Now I know it’s a long way from perfect but I’m really happy with how it is has turned out and would be more than happy to field this in any game.

I’m going to leave things here for this first post back but I do still have some bits from last year that I haven’t included. That’s partly so I know I will have some content for next week but also because I’m rapidly running out of time and want to make sure I have all this uploaded with some decent pictures. Next week I should have an update on just what is happening with our Adoption trip this year and a couple of Oak updates. So until then I hope you have a good week and I hope to have another updated for you next Saturday morning.

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