Weekly Waffle #295
30th April 2022
This week I’ve mixed things up a bit with Hagal sitting on the desk and taking a bit of back seat, or really taking no part at all in this week’s activities. I’ve still got a cough that I can’t seem to shake at the moment but I’m not actually feeling to bad with it, it’s just really annoying. So to keep things positive I’ve switched things up and started work on the Warchanter Choir that I picked up from Artel Miniatures before my trip to the States. These are to go along with my fledgling Iyhanen force. I’ve touched on this before but these came about because I was looking for one of the GW Bone Singers but they are no longer available from GW and the online auction sites have them at silly prices. So whilst I really like the model I don’t like it that much, so for the same price I was able to get these four models instead. I’ve had models from Artel before and I’ve never been disappointed which as the case with these. There are lots of different build options in the form of weapons, heads and bodies. I don’t really know why but I decided to with female bodies and full helmets for all of them, the helmets was really about keeping them in line with the Wraiths. Going all female just seemed like a different feel as the Wraith do have a very masculine feel to them so though the contrast would work well. Clean up and build was reasonably straight forward although I did mess up one of the backpacks so there is one of the ladies that does not have one, although the model still looks good. The plan is that they will get the same colour scheme as I’ve already used and the ethereal ghostly elements will be done in blue as well but I will try and do something that gives it that ethereal feel. Although I have no idea how exactly that is going to work.
I’ve been working in Manchester this week and fatally I walked past the GW store on Wednesday and just couldn’t popping my head in. Well needless to say the rest of my body followed and it wasn’t long before I was stood in front of the till with a small pile of goodies. Granted most of it was paints but there was a box of Howling Banshees in there as well. I’m not sure how I could or would try to integrate these into a wider Iyanden force but I went with rule of cool because I really like the look of these minis. I don’t know when I will actually get round to building and painting them but everywhere I’ve looked on line they have been out of stock so seeing them on the shelf prompted me to pick them up. But what I am planning on doing is playing around with the colours a bit and not necessarily stick with the standard aspect colours as I want to bring in some yellow and blue in line with the rest of minis I’ve already painted. Now I know this isn’t really the correct way to paint them with them besting aspect warriors who have their own colours regardless off Craftworld. But I’ve made the call that these are going to be different although I will include some of the more traditional colours in the details just as a nod to various aspects. I’ve managed to get them cleaned up and built but haven’t started on the painting yet. That is mainly down to being on lots of conference calls this week so I’ve done a bit of multi spilling and got them built up.
That’s it for this week. It’s a bank holiday here in the UK this weekend which means a three day weekend so I will be planning on spending some time in the pub on Sunday. There is just something that feels naughty about drinking on a Sunday, and given how long it now takes me to recover I really need the Monday off as well. On the hobby front I’m just going to go with whatever feels good at the time so it could be going back to Hagal or continuing with the Iyanda, I’ll just have to see how it goes. So until next week stay safe and I’ll be back with update of some sort or other for you on Saturday.