Weekly Waffle #294

Weekly Waffle #294

23rd April 2022

It was Easter weekend last week and for those of us in the UK that meant a four day weekend. I would like to say that it was spend being really productive and getting in loads of hobby time, but the reality was that both me and the misses were full of a cold again and spent most of the time in the house feeling sorry for ourselves. I was feeling that bad that I even managed to burn a pizza I had mad on Saturday. All in all it was just one of those weeks where nothing seemed to go as you would have liked it. We still aren’t feeling a hundred percent and I’m just putting it down to the fact that we have been in some sort of lockdown for getting close to two years and our bodies just don’t the immunities they used to. Now that we are back out in the big wide world again we are like kids in their first year at school where they pick up very bug un dear the sun. I’m hopping we can get this all out of the way now so we can enjoy what passes for summer in this part of the world once it arrives.

So now that I have gotten that moan out of my system what have I been up to this week? The simple answer to that is not a great deal but I have been playing around with a mini iI picked up while I was at Adepticon and I wanted to to try and put some of the things I learned in my classes into practice so I’ve been trying to do a bit of blending. So the mini in question is Hagal from Arena Rex which I picked simply because I think it looks cool. I’ve tried to keep the colours simple and aligned with the art work from Arena Rex but I have put it on a more scenic base as opposed to something that looks like a sandy arena floor. It sill needs quite a lot of work but I’ve really enjoyed working on it so far. I’m managing my expectation with this and know there will be lots more that could be done but as long as it’s moving my ability forward that is the real goal here. From what I have done so far I’m feeling like I am making progress and I’ve enjoyed what I’ve done so far but I’ll let you have a look


That’s all I have for what I’ve managed to work on this week but I have had a few ork ideas floating around in my head after seeing the Necromunda ash wastes land train model. I’ve had an idea for some time now to a Dakar Race truck inspired Ork Mek’s trukk. Basically a large trukk with a mobile workshop on the back, but I’ve been struggling to either build or convert a base vehicle. This looks like it could be the perfect vase for what I have in mind. It’s obviously not available yet but it’s something I will be keeping my eye on over the next couple of months.

Whilst I’ve been doing all my hobby this week I haven’t noticed that my renewal for the web hosting hasn’t gone through automatically as it normally does and the hosting has been suspended. I’ve just updated everything but unfortunately it doesn’t bring everything back up instantly so there may be a delay before this updated is visible. Well actually it’s before the site comes back online and I can then upload this so you can read it. Fingers crossed I’ve done everything right and you will get to see this update at some point this weekend. Until next week I hope you have a good week and enjoy your hobby time. I will be continuing to work on Hagal and I might even get ground to cleaning up some of the other minis I picked up at Adepticon to try and keep things ticking along.

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